They showed two Jim Carrey films on TV this week: The Truman Show and Fun with Dick and Jane. I just love Jim Carrey, and this is not something that happened too quickly. It took me some time, and especially Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind to understand this guy is not only masks (though I also really loved The Mask). I think it was when I saw him on Liar Liar I thought I like him when he tries a little less. I know he makes many films and it's easy to say he chooses good scripts (cos I just don't mention the ones I don't like), but still. At the least he's very talented and has a pretty good agent. And actually, the films he did which I don't like - he's still adding something there. Like Bruce Almighty.
Another actor who I started to like quite late is Adam Sandler. I didn't like his voice (which is funny cos Adam Sandler actually sings, he even recorded an album or something). I felt he was a fake, even as a character. Until I saw him on Punch Drunk Love and then on Reign Over Me.

By the way, it's really funny, but I thought that 50 first Dates and Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind took the very same theme and made 2 very differet movies out of it. Those two films are about the very essence of love, and in both the love has the memory loss as an obstacle - but the love keeps winning, it's eternal.
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