Sunday, November 25, 2007

The busy film student: two film reviews tonight!

S as I said yesterday, I bought the ticket well a head and went tonight to the cinemateque screening of Deat at a Funeral, the new movie from Frank Oz. Wnen I told a friend of mine I was going, she said: "well, it's kind of British film, isn't it?". So when I was waiting for the movie to begin I felt my expectations were not too high. I was afraid it will be shallow, with stupid humor and long noses pink people. But after one and a half hours of loud laughs, I'm very happy to say this was a very funny film. Don't expect big issues, or too complex relationships. It's all very obvious, very clear. All is said, and acted. I loved the acting. The funny parts were mainly of the reactions of the characters, and less of the actions (which were very predictible at times). I was trying to think of the script while I was watching, but it's very hard to do on first watch. I guess all I can say the characters served well the situations.

The other film, Waitress, which I saw last night, was delicious. I had a craving for pies after that, but in Tel Aviv in the area of the cinemateque the pies are not worth trying. The movie was funny at times, the art was charming, very girly. I didn't like tha use of the diners' owner character, it was too predictible. Almost a fairy tale ending that didn't fit the story. The characters were not so interesting, I must say. I guess I would keep this script in the oven for a few more hours. But the look of the film, the mood and the textures were inspiring.

Both films have good endings. I guess our world is so depressing we really must imagine it different.

December is my last month on the cinemateque. I'm not sure I'll continue my membership with them. Of course it's cheap and I cover the cost after one month. But also because I watch the movies there I stopped going to the other cinemas, so many of the new films I don't watch. I don't know, I guess I'll have to think about it a little bit more.

My script went nowhere in the last few days, cos I was working on excersises, scenes etc. It's like warming up an old car before you start driving. I feel like writing a feature, but I don't really have a big story yet. Or a long small one.


Max Coutinho said...

Hey you,

I haven't heard of those movies yet! Portugal is always late when it comes to movies *nodding*'s either that or I have been really distractive lol.


Kash said...

Adrienne shelly, the director of Waitress, is the actress in Hal Hartley's films. She had such a face! But someone killed her and she never attended her own premiere at Sundance.

Sometimes the real movie is outside the screen.

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