Sunday, December 2, 2007

Learning the basics of film music

Like every Sunday, today I had another class in Compositing for Film. The teacher, Mr. Bardanshvily, is a compositor, who worked on various Israeli films, including the seconf film of Dover Kozashvily, Matana Mishamayim as well as his first (and better known film) Hatuna Meucheret.
Today we looked at two films: Leon, of Luc Besson, and Laura, a film from '44. The music on Laura was fantastic. It became a real hero in the movie. It followed the point of view of the detective who tried to find out what happened to Laura, and who killed her. As the story evolves, the music changes. Also his understanding changes. It's interesting to see this film in relation to film score, and it's a shame we didn't wach it in class. Well, I will have to borrow it from the library now. but there's nothing like the big screen and the good speakers.
The music composed for the movie Leon represents the way European treat film score. Gentle, interesting, not illustrative to the film, but adding something else. The tango of death, as our teacher called it, showed the murder of Matilda's family and the begining of the connection with Leon. The end of the film leaves us with only piano music, all the rest of the music fades out. The piano, which wasn't there before, comes inside and places the love in the frame.
It was a good class today. Now if you'll excuse me, and also if not, I must write a feature this week.

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